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V8 for Developers

"V8 for Developers"

presented by

Bonnie K. Baker

V8 is a huge release of DB2 - the largest ever, and "V8 for Developers" is a transition course designed to inform application developers (and DBAs who support developers) of the differences between V7 and V8.

Bonnie will cover all of the new features and changes to existing features that impact programmers and program design. Many are features that programmers will want to take advantage of in order to use the new version wisely.

The course is offered in two versions: a one-day overview course describing the new V8 features and a two-day detail course which allows more time to cover more examples and various issues surrounding the new V8 features. An example would be locking and data integrity issues with multi-row updates.

Bonnie also offers suggestions for preparing to today to take advantage of DB2 V8 tomorrow as well as suggestions for design rules that will need to be reexamined.